Areas of Focus
From its broadest perspective, the campaign has four major pillars:
Many people are unaware of the importance of a thriving, hospital-based teaching facility. Naturally, we are proud of providing the next generation of physicians with peerless preparation for their role in a complex society. But a strong student corps makes us better too. Our ability to recruit the best and brightest medical students, residents and fellows builds our leadership across numerous fundamental and interdisciplinary domains. A rich academic environment will drive our contributions to society in the years ahead.
It is no secret that we face a potentially dire shortage of physicians, as well as declining government funding for medical education. Teaching hospitals are experiencing keen competition for top candidates. To prevail, we need substantial new resources. These funds will endow positions for residents and fellows to continue the creation of medical leaders for the future.
Baylor attracts world-renowned physician-scientists who seek a vital, supportive institution within which to conduct clinical research. Our large patient volumes create an especially fertile environment for this translational, bench-to-bedside discovery. We are routinely sought after to participate in clinical trials that offer potential life-altering results for the patients we serve, today. While other institutions conduct meaningful laboratory research that can lead to scientific discoveries, 98 percent of our research is with human beings who often are fighting for their lives. Last year alone, we conducted more than 900 clinical trials.
The collegial and collaborative Baylor culture also positions us at the forefront of the new biomedical frontier. Our core belief is that these potentially life-saving breakthroughs are only as valuable as our ability to share them with the entire community, and indeed the world. At a time when corporate and government support for research has substantially declined, philanthropy is vital to our ability to endow research chairs, recruit more physician-scientists, and buy and build state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories.
At the core of our vision is a community transformed by health and wellness. We are fiercely dedicated to a straightforward mission of promoting health, preventing disease and providing care to those who need it.
What does it take to keep a community healthy?
Awareness. Helping people take control of and responsibility for their health. Teaching them to recognize the warning signs of illness. Assisting them as they attempt to navigate our fragmented health care system.
Prevention. We must change the paradigm in our current system to focus on avoiding illness rather than dealing with it after the fact. For more than 100 years, members of our community have looked to Baylor for answers, innovation and medical leadership. We can have a real impact in the area of preventive care.
Compassion. Our commitment is to care for all people, regardless of age or financial resources. And that means transporting care to neighborhoods where there are barriers of access, language and transportation.
Over the years, Baylor has worked hard to keep up with its capital demands. The Baylor footprint is situated in one of the fastest-growing regions in the U.S. Many of our facilities have aged or become obsolete as a result of regional growth, along with advances in science and technology.
Capital for equipment, laboratories and other types of facilities will always be at the top of our philanthropic wish list. With some $4 billion in physical assets – much of which is several decades old – depreciation and obsolescence is a given. We must stay at the forefront of change. Opportunities to give our patients and their families physical spaces that advance therapies and nurture healing abound.
Your contribution to Campaign 2015 can help Baylor Make Us All Better. Please give online or call 214-820-3136 to discuss your gift today.

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