Women and Children Overview
Women generally think of their own health care as simply gynecological. In truth, a woman’s health needs change substantially throughout her life, as does the care we provide. But perhaps the time of life when her health matters most is when it directly affects another human being – her unborn child. Bringing more than 20,000 babies into the world at Baylor hospitals each year, we feel morally bound and passionately driven to give these precious lives the best possible start. That is why we are determined to stay abreast of the latest developments in women’s and children’s care. This critical field of medicine is advancing rapidly. We must do the same.
With a family history of ovarian cancer, I knew I had to get a full hysterectomy when an ovarian cyst was detected. Thanks to robotic technology and the patient care at Baylor, I quickly returned to my daily life, cancer-free.
Your contribution can help Baylor Health Care System Foundation serve more women and children each year through expanded programs. Please give online or call 214-820-3136 to discuss your gift today.
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